What are the best elements of a quality corporate event?

Most companies and work groups have done a team building event, family picnic, or fun outing at one time or another. Yet, many corporate events that are supposed to be “fun” end up missing the mark. In the age of “hybrid work”, “return to work,” and so on, it is more important than ever that employees create and maintain personal relationships with co-workers. If executed properly, a corporate event can build upon existing relationships, forge new ones, increase communication and interpersonal skills, and allow for meaningful connection unrelated to day-to-day operations.

According to a global study by the International Social Survey Program (ISSP), “Interpersonal [work] relationships have a sizeable and significant positive effect on the job satisfaction of the average employee. [Relationships] rank first out of…12 domains of workplace quality in terms of power to explain variation in job satisfaction.”


When you’ve been tasked with planning your next corporate event, consider the following elements and their benefits:


Have A Clear Objective: Hosting a fun activity for employees on company time is ok in and of itself, but what is the actual purpose of the event? Why are they being asked to or required to go? Will your employees be wondering the same thing after 20 minutes? It’s important to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve from the team building event. This could be anything from improving communication to developing leadership skills.


Choose Engaging Activities: Happy hour can be fun for some but it’s usually a gossip fest. Some people don’t drink alcohol, and even in moderation, hanging out in a bar or restaurant with alcohol is not the best choice for an outing. Choose activities that are engaging, fun, and promote collaboration. Team building activities can range from problem-solving exercises like our Puzzle Relay Race to outdoor activities like Archery Tag, Sports Tournaments or even Health and Wellness Challenges.


Inclusivity: Ensure that all team members are included and that the activities are accessible to everyone. Avoid activities that could potentially make some team members feel uncomfortable or excluded. TopGolf is fun for some but not all. Some people do not have an athletic bone in their body and golf is a tough sport for even the best athletes. For the right crowd TopGolf may be great but if you have a work team of 20 people or more, chances are that 25% of them golf or have golfed regularly. Don’t alienate people because the activity is too challenging or requires great hand eye coordination.


Professional facilitation: Consider hiring a professional facilitator like Office Recess to help plan and execute the event. A facilitator can bring a fresh perspective and help ensure that the objectives of the event are met and that everyone has a good time.


Reflection and debriefing: It’s essential to provide time for reflection and debriefing after each activity to help the team process what they’ve learned and how it can be applied to the workplace. Have a quick meeting and share the favorite parts of the event and gather feedback. Let them express positivity and also give them an opportunity to talk about what didn’t go well.


Follow-up and application: A team building event should not be a one-time event. Follow-up should be done to see how the team members have applied what they have learned in their work and to reinforce the benefits of the team building activities. In one on ones or in a group setting, celebrate the wins and discuss what you’ll do moving forward.


Corporate events can help transform teams of people. At Office Recess, our goal is to provide a unique and memorable experience for all patrons, while also being very inclusive. What may work well for competitive sales people may not work as well for a team of software engineers. We can help guide you down the right path that will leave a lasting impression on your people and improve their ability to work together and be productive. Call us next time you want to break out of the office and have some play with purpose. – Office Recess

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